
Hvilket ansvar har arkitektene i det grønne skiftet?

Read Gisle's article in Morgenbladet about the architects' role in the green shift: https://morgenbladet.no/ideer/2019/06/hvilket-ansvar-har-arkitektene-i-det-gronne-skiftet

"If degrowth is to become a concept of content and meaning, Whitehead's statement that creativity is the driving force of any process of change must be put into work - and the architects must seize the opportunities inherent in this statement to change both architecture and society, this time both as participants and experts."


Make a book - or read one!

Read Gisle's article in Arkitektnytt #5, inspired by our visit at Actar publishers in Barcelona:

"We need people who think and write, and editors who publish - and who dare to believe that it is still sometimes necessary to make a book, and not least to read one.”