

Save the Y

Together with representatives from Henie Onstad Art Center, the Oslo School of Architecture and Design and the Save the Y action group, Gisle representing the Norwegian Architects' Association, met with Minister of Local Government and Modernization Monica Mæland.
She was handed the signatures of 80 prominent art and cultural institutions, as well as approximately 22,000 individual signatures - it is still possible to sign the petition HERE.

Photos from the manifestation for Y-blokka in Tromsø a few weeks ago.


DAM architectural book award

Layered Landscapes Lofoten – understanding of complexity, otherness and change is shortlisted for the DAM Architectural Book Award 2019!
The public award-giving ceremony will take place Wednesday, October 16 at 19:30 at the library of Deutsches Architekturmuseum (Hedderichstraße 108-110)⁠⠀
All the awarded books are exhibited at the Frankfurt Book Fair Hall 4.1, Centre for Photography and illustration.

"The Frankfurt Book Fair and Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) are presenting the jointly initiated international DAM Architectural Book Award for the eleventh time.

The prize, unique in its kind and now highly regarded, honours the best architectural books of a year. 100 architectural and art book publishers from all over the world accepted the joint invitation to participate. A jury made up of external experts and representatives of DAM met to select the year's ten best architectural books from 227 entries. They based their decision on criteria such as design, content, quality of material and finishing, innovation, and topicality.

The wide range of topics and the high standard of the entries presented the jury with an enormous challenge. For this reason the jurors once again decided not only to pick ten prize winners, but also to select a further ten entries for the Shortlist of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2019."



Tromsø Waterfront Laboratory

Looking forward to start the work with the Tromsø Waterfront Laboratory tomorrow together with Berit Steenstrup and:
Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir
Michael Johansson


Tromsø Waterfront Laboratory

We are selected together with Berit Steenstrup, and this interesting group of artists, to participate in the Tromsø Waterfront Laboratory.


Common Ground - A Retrospect Through to our Future

Landscape practice for the future is the title of the lecture Gisle will give tomorrow, Wednesday, September 18, at the IFLA conference Common Ground.

The session A Retrospect Through to our Future will mark the 90th anniversary of the Norwegian Association of Landscape Architecture (NLA) and the Landscape Institute (LI) through a wide-ranging consideration for the significance of associations and their contemporary relevance.



Celebrating 100 years of landscape architecture education at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, with the ECLAS / UNISCAPE conference Lessons from the past, visions for the future.

We'll be presenting our abstract Complexity, otherness and change in Arctic landscapes — didactic methods and experimental approaches to planning with some background from projects such as Kiruna and Maniitsoq, and of course examples from master studios Emerging Arctic Landscapes, Focal Point Biedjovággi and Layered Landscapes Lofoten - represented with student work including these by Guðrún Jóna, Marianne, Niklas, Ingeleiv Andrea, Pernille, Victoria & Livie:

We are part of Block 3D, Teaching transdisciplinary approaches to landscape:

PARALLEL SESSION #3.Monday 16 September 15:30-17:00

Block 3D. Teaching transdisciplinary approaches to landscape (3/4)

Chair: Morten Clemetsen
Making the case for service learning: Pedagogy that fosters professional leadership in landscape architectureLinda Corkery (University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia)
Animating criticality and trans-disciplinarity through landscape architecture educationLisa Babette Diedrich, Andrea Kahn, Gunilla Lindholm (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
Complexity, otherness and change in Arctic landscapes—didactic methods and experimental approaches to planningMagdalena Haggärde, Gisle Løkken (70°N arkitektur, Norway)


Layered Landscapes Lofoten in NORK magazine #4


Layered Landscapes Lofoten is represented and presented in NORK #4 to be launched tomorrow:

Friday the 13th x Bryggeri 13 x NORK volume 4.

The long wait is over - let’s welcome our new freshly-made, carefully-crafted, North-based issue of NORK magazine.
Join us for a release party at Bryggeri 13 for a little music, mingling and, of course, for the main guest of the party - NORK volume 4.

168 pages long & mind-blowing beautiful issue with theme GREEN takes you on an artistic, activist, poetic, futuristic, extravagant, literary, emotional and practical journey into the !!hot!! theme that is the environment. At the event get it for a special price.

See you at 20:00, welcoming drinks and some nice finger-food will be waiting for you.

13 is our lucky number, no worries.


Open City according to Richard Sennett

OBOS boligkonferanse 2019: Richard Sennett snakker lavmælt, men han er en skarp observatør og har refleksjoner om byen vi må lytte til. Sennett mener at det går et skille mellom det han beskriver som den åpne byen versus den lukkede byen (som i realiteten er det meste vi planlegger og bygger i dag). Den åpne byen er porøs og mottakelig mens den lukkede byen er homogen, statisk og repeterende. Han viser enkle eksempler - både historiske og samtidige der både det sosiale byliv og beredskap mot brå endringer på grunn av klimaendringer må håndteres. Sennet beskriver den mottakelige byen som tvetydig (ambiguous) og uferdig form der funksjoner og levd liv er blandet, mens den lukkede byen har barrierer, separasjon (sonering). Han er kritisk til innholdet i den teknologibaserte 'smartbyen' fordi teknologisk baserte funksjonelle løsninger ofte er rigide og ufleksible med 'to tight fit between form and function'. Sennet snakker om en grunnleggende humanistisk tilnærming til byen der alle skal ha en mulighet til å forme sine liv, og han viser med elegante eksempler at vi neppe kan løse byenes klimakrise - f.eks. stormvannsproblematikk med statiske bygg, men at et dynamisk problem må håndteres med dynamiske løsninger.


Layered Landscapes Lofoten - in store and online (free shipping!)

We are happy to receive these small reports from Layered Landscapes Lofoten around the world.

You can find it at La Central del Raval in Barcelona:

Or, if you are spending your summer further north, at Bokhuset Libris in Tromsø:

Other great news is that Actar has launched their online bookstore this summer - with free shipping worldwide!


Hvilket ansvar har arkitektene i det grønne skiftet?

Read Gisle's article in Morgenbladet about the architects' role in the green shift: https://morgenbladet.no/ideer/2019/06/hvilket-ansvar-har-arkitektene-i-det-gronne-skiftet

"If degrowth is to become a concept of content and meaning, Whitehead's statement that creativity is the driving force of any process of change must be put into work - and the architects must seize the opportunities inherent in this statement to change both architecture and society, this time both as participants and experts."


Make a book - or read one!

Read Gisle's article in Arkitektnytt #5, inspired by our visit at Actar publishers in Barcelona:

"We need people who think and write, and editors who publish - and who dare to believe that it is still sometimes necessary to make a book, and not least to read one.”


Layered Landscapes Lofoten @ Architecture of Necessity

Layered Landscapes Lofoten - understanding of complexity, otherness and change has been selected by the jury to participate at the Architecture of Necessity exhibition at Virserum konsthall, Sweden, opening June 27.


browsing Layered Landscapes Lofoten

Want to have a look inside Layered Landscapes Lofoten?

For those of you asking: the book is available in online bookstores worldwide, for example Amazon.
In Sweden and Norway also Adlibris and Tanum.
We'll keep you updated on which physical bookstores you can have a look at it...


Layered Landscapes Lofoten @ Girjegumpi

In the latest issue of Arkitektnytt (4/2019) we spy Layered Landscapes Lofoten on the shelf in Joar Nango's amazing Girjegumpi project - traveling the world in this nomadic library, this winter in Jokkmokk, going to Chicago and Ottawa in the fall.


Layered Landscapes Lofoten - book review

Review of Layered Landscapes Lofoten in the April 2019 issue of "Reviewer's Bookwatch" magazine (The Midwest Book Review) by Willis M. Buhle:

Critique: A densely and impressively informative work of experience based collaborative scholarship, "Layered Landscapes Lofoten: Understanding of Complexity, Otherness and Change" is a unique, seminal and unreservedly recommended addition to professional and academic library collections.

Layered Landscapes Lofoten in Barcelona

Thanks to El Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) and ACTAR publishers for inviting us, to Marina Cervera and Ricardo Devesa for interesting and highly relevant reflections and conversation - and to all of you who attended, asked questions and discussed with us.


Layered Landscapes Lofoten @ Catalunya Radio

Layered Landscapes Lofoten
is mentioned as one of the 'recomanacions literàries d'arquitectura' at Catalunya Radio (about 14:15).


Layered Landscapes Lofoten @ Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya

Monday April 15 at 19.00, we will give a lecture at COAC Barcelona, followed by a conversation with Marina Cervera, architect and director of Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture, and Ricardo Devesa, architect and editor-in-chief at Actar Publishers.


Layered Landscapes Lofoten around the world

Layered Landscapes Lofoten is travelling the world: here seen in Livraria AeFaup (Porto), laCapell (Barcelona), Joar Nango's nomadic library Girjegumpi (here in Jokkmokk) and at the 107th ACSA Annual Meeting | BLACK BOX (Pittsburgh).


Imbrication by John Pløger

Now you can read John Pløger's text on Imbrication: The Connections of City and Landscape from Layered Landscapes Lofoten on urbanNext:



Ornithological Map + Diversity of Nature

Student projects from Layered Landscapes Lofoten by Victoria H H Storemyr and Ingeleiv Andrea Utne Midtun are published on urbanNext:




Book launch and talk

This week's newsletter from ACTAR, including info on the Layered Landscapes Lofoten book launch at BAS:


Layered Landscapes Lofoten - understanding of complexity, otherness and change

Layered Landscapes Lofoten - understanding of complexity, otherness and change discusses approaches towards landscapes under pressure and transformation, and the importance of unprejudiced and experimental investigations to reveal its natural and cultural complexity.

The book aims to challenge internalized concepts about how landscapes are considered and investigated, to open for alternative research, and legitimize subjective, singular and experimental approaches as valid and appreciated as a foundation for an informed process. These approaches take into consideration both the landscape and the practices taking place in the landscape, that are consistently full of individual and collective stories and experiences — the complexity created in both time and space, which influences our societies not only as traces of historical events, but as present realities and even expectations and what is to become.

Under the concepts of complexity, imbrication, vulnerability, fieldwork, flexibility and reorientation ideas are developed, all based in the contemporary and historic layers of the dramatic and contested landscapes of the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway — where pressure from political decisions and structural changes, increasing tourism, a potential new oil industry and uncontrollable global forces’ impact on nature and societies and cause continuous transformation and alteration of landscapes and topography, surrounding the traditional and modern fishing communities.

Layered Landscapes Lofoten - understanding of complexity, otherness and change
is based on the master studio Layered Landscapes Lofoten conducted at Bergen School of Architecture during the spring semester 2017.

Contributing to the book are:
Cecilie Andersson, Master of Architecture, PhD in Urban Planning and rector at Bergen School of Architecture
Tone Megrunn Berge, Master of Architecture and partner of Kaleidoscope Nordic
Anne Katrine Dolven, Artist based in Lofoten and London and former Professor at Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Anniken Førde, Dr.Polit in Community Planning and Cultural Understanding and Associate Professor of Community Planning at the University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway
Karoline Kalstveit, Master of Architecture
John Pløger, Dr.Art and Professor of Urban Planning at the University of Agder
Marianne Lucie Skuncke, Master of Architecture
Hermod Torbjørnson, Local expert, Fredvang, Lofoten
Trond Waage, Ph.D in Social Anthropology with specialization in Visual Anthropology and Associate Professor of Visual Cultural Studies at the University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway

and of course the students:
Anders Dommerud Tellefsen, Andreas Tveit, Anna Liisa Saavaste, Arne Magnar S. Nordhammer, Arnulf Mårdalen Hasle, Christian Solbakken, Eva Bull, Ingeleiv Andrea Utne Midtun, Jøran Sofie Olsen Bjørshol, Lara Engelking, Lassi Tulonen, Livie Avo Johansen, Maria Eugenia Salazar Rocha, Matt Breton-Honeyman, Pernille Kleppan Mørch, Pia Eide, Soheil Hivad Nabi, Stefanie Klem, Sum Ping Wong, Stephanie Steriotis, Stine Elise Kristoffersen, Sveinung Grøneng Havn and Victoria Helene Storemyr.

Layered Landscapes Lofoten - understanding of complexity, otherness and change is published by ACTAR publishers, and is available in selected bookstores worldwide, on amazon, and in Norway and Sweden at Adlibris.

Layered Landscapes Lofoten - understanding of complexity, otherness and change



Layered Landscapes Lofoten is one of the projects presented in the magazine DET DU SER published by the Cultural Business Development Foundation SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge, with the message:

Kulturnæringsstiftelsen takker for seg med et fargerikt webmagasin vi har kalt DET DU SER. Magasinet inneholder rundt 30 saker om kulturell og kreativ næring - inklusive feature, portretter, fag- og debattstoff, samt kunstneriske innslag.
DET DU SER oppsummerer noen av de viktigste erfaringene fra stiftelsens virke. Formålet er å skape fokus på og debatt omkring betydningen av kulturelle og kreative næringer.
Les og la deg begeistre, og del og kommenter for å fremme kunnskap om disse svært viktige sektorene!

Read the magazine as pdf here: DET DU SER


Girjegumpi Layered Landscapes

Happy to be part of Joar Nango's nomadic library Girjegumpi, here at Jokkmokk winter market.


Layered Landscapes Lofoten - understanding of complexity, otherness and change

Best news of the New Year so far: the first copies of our book Layered Landscapes Lofoten - understanding of complexity, otherness and change arrived fresh from the printer today, and we are really excited and happy about it. We are the most grateful to ACTAR PUBLISHERS for their support and enthusiasm.
More about the book, where you can attend a launch or presentation and where to find it soon!