
Fuzhou + Beijing

Back from China after giving lectures and talks in the context of the opening of the exhibition Contemporary Norwegian Architecture in the city of Fuzhou - including giving a TEDx talk at the Star Trekesque head quarters of NetDragon.

Cancelled flights on the way back gave the opportunity to experience Beijing by night for some hours..

Foster + partners' Beijing International Airport, the entrance to the Gùgōng / Forbidden City, Beijing National Stadium or the bird's nest by Herzog & de Meuron + Ai Weiwei and the National Aquatics Center / Water Cube by PTW architects.


Paris à l'automne

An autumnal trip to Paris included architectural experiences of both new and old favourites:

Sou Fujimoto's Many Small Cubes in Les Tuileries was part of the FIAC (hors les murs)

Fondation Cartier celebrates its 30 years with an in situ installation by Diller & Scofidio + Renfro: Ballade pour une boîte de verre / Musings on a Glass Box. It is always a pleasure to return to this early and excellent building by Jean Nouvel, and its garden and exhibitions.

Centre Pompidou of course. This time with Gehry, Duras and Duchamp..

Parisian rooftops with la Tour Eiffel in the mist was our morning view.

We were lucky to have the opportunity to experience Åsa Sonjasdotter's Haute Diversité - par le prisme de la patate at the art space le centquatre / 104, where we also found the Open Wall by Pascal Marthine Tayou and Niki de Saitn Phalle's fantastic Cabeza.
We were also happy to see that Jean-Luc Duez is still actively spreading Amour in the streets of Paris..


Trofi Teknopark

We went to see one of our projects under construction, Trofi Teknopark. This is the first office building of passive house standard in Tromsø and after quite some work it is very soon to be finalized.


maisema 3.0 - there are (still) no maps..

Gisle gives a lecture, presenting a selection of our work in northern landscapes, at the landscape conference maisema 3.0 in Helsinki this Friday (October 10).


when in venice

We're back from our study trip to Venice with lots of impressions and inspiration from the Biennale, and the city itself.

Always a pleasure to visit the Nordic Pavilion by Sverre Fehn.

Venice on water - narrow canals and the lagoon.

Our venetian home.

More pics at @70N_arkitektur instagram.



While traveling the Lofoten islands this week for some site inspection we came across this person using the rest area in Torvdalshalsen in the best possible way - dancing..!

Photo by Steinar Skaar, see our pics on instagram: @70N_arkitektur.


cover house

We are happy to see our bicycle house at Grunnfør, Lofoten, on the cover of D2 - it is presented along with several other National Tourist Routes projects inside the magazine.


fab FBAB

We are happy to annnounce that we have been awarded a honorary mention for our entry in the competition Fremtidens Bæredygtige Almene Bolig (Sustainable Social Housing for the Future).

See our proposal and read the jury report:

Forslaget giver et radikalt bud på fremtidens bæredygtige almene bolig. Her er det at bo bæredygtigt lig med nye rumlige oplevelser og en meget eksponeret kontakt til himlen, lyset og luften og ikke mindst naboerne og forbipasserende.

Bebyggelsen og boligerne tager udgangspunkt i drivhuset som en ydre klimazone, der muliggør en mere åben og fri disponering af de indre elementer, hvilket resulterer i en meget let, lys, varierende og rummelig indre arkitektur. Til selve boligdelen lægger der sig et stort drivhus, som deles med naboen.

Konceptet bygger på skuldrende af tidligere årtiers eksperimenteren med ydre glaskonstruktioner, der åbner for mellemklimazoner og har stor herlighedsværdi i ydresæsonerne.

Det fremstår som et meget seriøst og gennemarbejdet bud, som særligt skiller sig ud i en meget detaljeret og fascinerende beskrivelse af halm som byggemateriale.

Bebyggelsen forestilles bygget af og beklædt med lokalt dyrket og høstet halm, som både bruges lodret bærende, fugthåndterende og lyd- og brandisolerende.

Dommerkomiteen vurderer, at forslaget er et både fascinerende, anderledes og velargumenteret bud på en fremtidig bæredygtig boform og præmieres for det visionære niveau.



This week we participate at the ARCHITOURISM conference in Mashhad, Iran, discussing landscape / tourism / architecture.


Москва meeting

Back in Москва! - presenting and discussing planning and urban development with Moscow Region department for architecture and planning.


the right to the city

Arkitektur N #1 2014 includes Gisle's review of Peter Schultz Jørgensen's comprehensive, enlightening, reflective and engaging story about creativity, structures and forces at work in today's New York - 600 pages well worth reading!


Constructions of North
landscape / imagery / society

Thursday January 23 the fourth conference on northern landscapes in connection with the Arctic Frontiers took place. After a welcoming introduction by Janike Kampevold Larsen the following speakers, and moderator Andrew Morrison, contributed to a highly inspirational and interesting day:

William L. Fox - Backwards Landscape the Reading

Johan Schimanski - Constructing imagery, narratives of the Arctic

Stepa Mitaki - Inspiring citizens to change Murmansk through participatory planning

Kathleen John-Alder - The House We Live In: Ian McHarg’s Adaptable Concept of Habitat

Aileen A. Espiritu - Shifting rhetoric – From Barents to Arctic

Stine Barlindhaug - Constructing cultural landscapes through participatory mapping

Silje Figenschou Thoresen - The Indigenuity Project, Improvised design in Sápmi

Arvid Viken - Construction of knowledge: Tourism, research, and governmental institutions building Svalbard as image and place

Larissa Riabova and Vladimir Didyk - Arctic Single-Industry Towns in Russia: social problems, ways to solve them and the role of resource corporations


Finnmark field work

Kautokeino church / the ice building / snowmobile trip with Johan Anders Somby / bidos & lavvúliving / guides Elinor Strifeldt & Odd Mathis Hætta at the 0-point / Alta river & dam / below: the travellers

Follow the studio and the students' work here!


Constructions of North

Landscapes come down to us thick with the sediments of culture. In other words: Landscapes and territories are cultural products. Our conception of them is formed by image building, values, rhetorics, and politics. All of these have contributed strongly to conceptions of the Arctic through time, from ancient myths of Thule, through myths of exploration, to present days arguments for exploitation and preservation. This seminar invites local and international researchers and experts to explore the agency of imagery in a changing Arctic.

As large areas in the Arctic and Sub Arctic are being turned over into extraction territories, energy spaces and landscapes for tourism activities, stories and mythologies about the north continue to build. The new industries that are gaining foothold in Arctic territories are working within a certain framework of conceptualized understanding of the north as a new commodified landscape. On the other hand, social research brings forth knowledge from local practices as well as the human scale and social aspects of a region in rapid change. Mapping techniques contribute at the same time to render a more diverse and valid image of traditional landscapes, allowing for an extended and novel understanding of them.

This 2014 side-event to the Arctic Frontiers conference, arranged by the Tromsø Academy of Landscape and Territorial Studies, discusses the construction of landscapes, social conditions and imagery in the Arctic. Different construction strategies will be discussed by a wide range of scholars:
Janike Kampevold Larsen, William L. Fox, Johan Schimanski, Stepa Mitaki, Kathleen John-Alder, Aileen A. Espiritu, Stine Barlindhaug, Silje Figenschou Thoresen, Arvid Viken, Larissa Riabova, Vladimir Didyk and Andrew Morrison.

Program as pdf.

For info on the main conference and to register please see www.arcticfrontiers.com/


enter Biedjovággi

Monday the students at the Tromsø Academy for Landscape and Territorial Studies (TACL) will start the winter master studio, Focal Point Biedjovággi, with a trip to Alta, Kautokeino and Biedjovággi. Follow, and comment, our work at: focalpointb.blogspot.com.

Pics from the trip continuously published at instagram: @70N_arkitektur