

The #129 issue of the romanian "igloo" magazine, presents our kindergartens in Tromsø


North norwegian architecture for children

Some pupils from Bjerkaker School have been working this week with architecture projects in the north of Norway. Our project in Lofoten was one of them. The occasion is an educational program on architecture based in the architecture exhibition "Små Spor" organized by Michele Widerøe. Read more about the exhibition on the blog:


Space for kids

Our kindergartens have been published in Dagbladet´s INNE & UTE issue.


Norway’s day-care initiative: a municipal approach

After this summer's conference Ready, Steady, Go, organised by OECD / CELE and World Bank Gisle has been asked to contribute with an article for the OECD Centre for Effective Learning Environments (CELE). The article was written by Gisle together with Beate Németh from the Municipality of Tromsø and has been published in the fall issue of CELE journal. In the article they address Tromsø´s approach to the increasing need of places in day care centres. One of our projects, Sommereng Kindergarten, is used as a case study.
You can download the article as a pdf here.