
If you happen to be in Havana...!

..check out this exhibition. Michele has brought nordic architecture to Cuba.


Two-day workshop in architecture for children in 7th grade

This Thursday and Friday, Michele and Stine helped the NAL Academy to organize a two-day workshop in architecture and planning at the Slettaelva elementary school in Tromsø. The workshop was part of "Den kulturelle skolesekken" ("The Cultural Rucksack"), a national programme for art and culture provided by professionals in Norwegian schools. 
The workshop was a success! The students had fun and were very enthusiastic
... but only one would consider becoming an architect..!


Forum Lecture

Tonight Gisle gives a Forum Lecture at the National Gallery of Canada.


slices through space

We are now started with the students at Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism in Ottawa - follow our studio developing at Slices Through Space.