
Lawrence @ PKN#10

See the beautiful and intriguing projects Lawrence Malstaff presented at PKN#10 above. You'll find this one, and hundreds of other PKN presentations from all over the world, at pecha-kucha.org/presentations/.



between zaha and china

We like the architecture library at Fyrstikkalléen high school..


Inspire Japan

Inspire Japan is happening right now all over the (PechaKucha) world with lots of cities streaming live and others supporting with presentations and greetings.

Byggeskikk tour

The jury for Statens byggeskikkpris has spent the week visiting the nominated projects all over Norway.

Pics by Caroline Greiner


and the nominees are..

The list of 90 proposed projects for Statens byggeskikkpris was narrowed down to 7 nominated buildings made public today. See them all here, or read about it in an article in today's Aftenposten / a-magasinet.


Another article by Gisle is published in today's Nordlys: Il y a tant de nords dans ce Nord.

qualia & complexity

Gisle has left for Trondheim and NTNU where he will give the lecture Is my red the same as your red?

PKN#10 - thanks!

Thanks to all the presenters, the audience, the DJ, our co-organizers and to our host for another excellent PechaKucha Night.


la haine

In the excellent series Film+Arkitektur, part of the Year of Architecture 20X11, after the screenings of Metropolis, Playtime, The Towering Inferno and more, the turn has come to La Haine.

Spring & sprout..?

Waiting for the sun, and for the snow to melt, the Urban natur group prepares for more work-shops and lectures in the Spireboks project, that will take the greenhouses in use.

And yes, one of the greenhouses is already green.

PKN#10 - tomorrow!

updated info at: PechaKucha Night Tromsø