


Ánde's parcours

Ánde, who lead our students during their DAV week, in a beautiful and important portrait in Klassekampen.




Our BAS students are blogging some of their impressions from a week in a lavvu together with Ánde Somby. Thanks to Ánde for sharing this highly special experience with the studio!

colour competition

We are in the colour in architecture category for the WAN AWARD - do you find our kindergarten among all the colorful nominated projects above?


Sjørosa architects

We got a visit from Sjørosa kindergarten group; Sigurd, Mathias, Amanda, Annabelle, Lisa and Emil worked the foam and glue!




tree talk

Gisle's latest article talks about trees.

Photos by Yngve Olsen Sæbbe

2011 party

Flyer here!


1000 by 100

In 1000 tips by 100 landscape architects we and 99 other architects from all around the world are asked by editor Daniela Santos Quartino to formulate ten tips or ideas based on and illustrated by own projects.


1000 X European Architecture

You can read about these and.. 998 other projects in 1000 X European Architecture, 2nd ed.


Bravo Bodø

News from Bodø..


Vardø birds

Gisle has found some lines of flight in Vardø, read about it in the article.

..and here is a faximil for the article published in August: Reorientations:

autumn leaves

As the first snow is falling and the mountain tops are powdered with white, we give you a glimpse of a secret space: Morten's japanese garden.


Is my red the same as your red?

Today we received some copies of the publication What's the question?, where we are contributing with an article based on a lecture held this spring:
Is my red the same as your red?


We received the catalogue, in norwegian and in english, for the spor exhibition


an office with a view

The view this morning from the soon-to-be-finished office building at Sjølundvegen 1.


Ludique in Ecologik

Our kindergarten is presented in french magazine Ecologik #22 2011.


20X11 - what's the question?

The Architecture Festival continues and Wednesday 28 September this event marks the launch of the 20X11 publication What's the question? where we have contributed with an article together with a number of other norwegian architects and with commenting articles by Bart Lootsma and Nan Ellin.



We're off to Arkitekturfestivalen and the seminar organized by BAS - Future Trajectories.


people & landscapes

People & landscapes encountered during our study trip with Emerging Arctic Landscapes.


Emerging Arctic Landscapes on tour

Follow the master studio on a road trip through Finnmark and Kola: Emerging Arctic Landscapes.


Emerging Arctic Landscapes at BAS

We have left for Bergen to start up this autumn's master studio, Emerging Arctic Landscapes. Please follow us the studio blog: http://emergingarcticlandscapes.blogspot.com/



Petra brought some cherry tomatoes grown in the green houses at Strandkanten as a part of the Urban Natur project. Delicious!
The picture was taken after lunch..


Tommie's choice

Dagbladet has let a jury pick Norway's most important public buildings this summer. In addition to the ambitious articles about these buildings, each jury member has picked a personal favourite project, and here is Tommie Wilhelmsen's.

..and the list:
1. Kunstnernes hus by Gudolf Blakstad and Herman Munthe-Kaas
2. Den nordiske paviljongen i Venezia by Sverre Fehn
3. Ishavskatedralen by Jan Inge Hovig
4. St. Hallvards kirke og kloster by Lund & Slaatto
5. Storhamarlåven by Sverre Fehn
6. Oslo rådhus by Arnstein Arneberg and Magnus Poulsson
7. Røldal-Suldal vannkraftanlegg by Geir Grung
8. Ingierstrand bad by Ole Lind Schistad and Eivind Moestue
9. Sundts varemagasin by Per Grieg
10. Operahuset i Bjørvika by Snøhetta



is the title of Gisle's article in today's Nordlys, discussing the dimensions and dynamics of time and space in the construction of our identity, ideas and common future.
(we'll link to the text as soon as it is available online)


update: upgrade

Update: although the client was very pleased with the cabin we have upgraded it - with a door. This adds a whole new dimension to the project (knock-knock etc), and keeps the sheep out.


Torvdalshalsen rest area in Automobile Architecture.

LA China

Hydroelectric power plant in LA China.


a room with a view

This is our latest project: a cabin next to the Skarsfjord cottage.


invisible forces

This week's article by Gisle is about Steven Holl's Hamsun Centre.

Pics by Nilse Petter Dale.

greenhouse update:


rooftop reflections

The facade has arrived at Sjølundvegen 1, in piles up on the roof to be prepared at the workshop with the best view..


seed bomb explosion

Flax germinating at Strandkanten.


diseño noruego

Michele gives a lecture in Havana this Wednesday.


open house


The exhibition SPOR. Norwegian Architecture 2005-2010 is shown this summer at NasjonalmuseetArkitektur.

Pic by Anne Hansteen Jarre


go see

Tromsø Open House

PKN#11 - thanks..

..for presenting, supporting, attending, donating, serving beer and playing music!

green detours

Very nice, inspiring and fun breakfast lecture at HT Thursday 26 May with Eva Bakkeslett and Alexander Muchenberger of Bureau Detours.

photos by Helder Neves


PechaKucha Night Tromsø #11

PKN#11 is organized in collaboration with the Year of Architecture 2011 and special attention will be paid to Inspire Japan.

The presenters are:
Helder Neves // architect // IceMusic Festival & Steinsvik arkitektkontor
Ragnhild Nessa // landscape architect // Urban Natur & Asplan Viak
Eva Bakkeslett // artist & cultivator
Berit Steenstrup // architect // 70°N arkitektur
Bjørn Eirik Olsen // Director & Aikido Sensei // Nofima & Tea, fish and sword
Peter W Søderman // architect // BC arkitektur
Michele Widerøe // interior designer // 70°N arkitektur
Alexander Muchenberger // artist // Bureau Detours
Torstein Piltingsrud // architect // Acona Technopole

No registration needed, the entrance fee will be donated to Inspire Japan // Architecture for Humanity + ArchiAid, so bring the regular 20,- ++..
Thursday 26 May at 19.30 the doors will open at Ølhallen (Storgata 4) - and PechaKucha Night Tromsø #11 will take place - welcome!

PechaKucha Night Tromsø is organized by Arild Øvrum, Morten Skandfer, Kurant, tank and 70°N arkitektur with support from Norsk Form, Tromsø Fylkeskommune and Mack.


Ceci n'est pas..

Gisle brings Magritte to page 3 in his latest article in Nordlys, 20 May 2011.