
Seismograph City

The exhibition Seismograph City opened Monday in Hamburg. Nordhavnen / Excentral Park - Edge Dynamics is exhibited together with other projects under the the title Sustainable Strategies in Dialogue.

The universal city defines itself not only as the catalyst of cultural, social, economic and ecological processes, but also as the seismograph of global developments. Never before has there been such consensus between politicians and the public on the question of how we can innovatively and constructively improve our living environment. Given global challenges to develop sustainable strategies in architecture and urban design, the architectural profession assumes a significant role and responsibility. This exhibition and catalogue present a diverse spectrum of buildings in various stages of development and completion as well as visionary designs which address sustainable strategies in the context of current architectural and urban developments worldwide. Selected projects provide an exciting insight (not overview) into current planning in the city of Hamburg, as well as a fascinating and rather surprising collection of projects, designs and visions which excite our imaginations, give us strength, motivation and which hopefully inspire us to further examine themes of sustainability.

org Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt
Mo bis Sa 11-18 Uhr, Fr 11-20 Uhr
@ Hamburg, Deichtorcenter, Oberbaumbrücke 1


In the latest issue of 'scape magazine #1 2009, Joren Jacobs has written an intelligent little article about our Nordhavnen project.

'The vision of 70°N and Dahl & Uhre clearly opposes traditional linear development which can neither cope with change, nor cater for creative solutions. it cannot do what the people of Copenhagen requested: "no-regulation zones", a place "a bit rough, messy and unpolished", because "the unexpected is attractive". So in addition to their flexible basic structure plan 70°N and Dahl & Uhre's strategy is an ever-evolving open plan process and dialogue. This involves a broad collaborative exchange with many different parties, like journalists, citizens, landscape architects and researchers in various fields (biology, agriculture, economy, energy, marine enviroment, rainwater and culture). As the design firms put it themselves: " One must establish a universe of ideas beyond the field of thought of the developer-institution. In our strategy, the the programming of Nordhavn and the development strategy must constantly be charged with new knowledge. It is possible to see this project as a work of art - in progress.' JJ

Dr M is blogging

We're happy to see our friend Morten has joined the blogosphere. We're sure he'll serve some nice reports and reflections from travels both far and not-so-far away here.


Greetings from us and Toyo Ito in Barcelona!


NTR in d2

In today's d2 there is an article on the National Tourist Routes where one of our projects appears (in the printed version).


le Quotidien des Architectes #4 - collab traveling

Now it is time for part 4 in our series on the everyday life of architects: architects collaborate. When we collaborate with others it often includes travelling, as not everybody has a Tromsø branch. This time some of us are off to Barcelona for a competition collaboration - more about it soon!


Russian Interni magazine presents our kindergartens as part of their playspace special.


Harbour Cities

Gisle + Magdalena give a lecture at the Harbour Cities conference in Kristiansand today - program here.


archi column

Gisle has written a column in today's Nordlys - on architecture politics and processes.


meet the president

The NAL president Kjersti Nerseth is visiting Tromsø and NAF as part of her norwegian tour. The aims are to inform about and discuss the new architecture politics, also on a local level. Thursday June 18 at 19.00 everybody interested is welcome to meet her and fellow NAL representatives at Formannskapssalen, Tromsø rådhus.


the plot

One of our newest and smallest constructions is starting to pay off and today we could taste our first delicious radishes. The rucola and coriander are regularly incorporated in our meals and now we're just waiting for the dessert - strawberries!
See the debuts of our hotbed and its fellow allotment plots here - and post your own to the collection.

more winners

This week included a trip to Oslo for Magdalena, to attend the prize ceremony for Statens Byggeskikkpris.

Now we're off into the nature on this beautiful summer's day - a more detailed report will come soon..

Update: Statens byggeskikkpris was delivered Wednesday by the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa.

The winning project is Preikestolen Fjellstue by Helen & Hard.

Honourable mentions to:
Ungdomspsykiatrisk avdeling, Førde by Arild Wåge, Nordplan.
Universet studentbarnehage, Tromsø by Steinsvik arkitektkontor
Hundsund grendesenter, Bærum by div.A arkitekter

Nominated projects were also:
Oslo International School by Jarmund/Vigsnæs arkitekter
Løvåshagen by ABO plan & arkitektur
Steinerskolen på Skjold by 3RW arkitekter


award winners

Yesterday's NAF event included the prize ceremony for Northern Norway Architecture Award. This year three awards were given:
- Undomshuset Straumanstua in Lofoten by Jarmund/Vigsnæs
- The rehabilitation of Hamningberg, Finnmark
- The Honour Award was given to Knut Eirik Dahl for his enduring efforts to increase understanding and raise the quality of our urban areas.

Congratulations to you all for well earned attention and appraisal!

Afterwards we were treated with a lecture by Erik Langdalen from LY arkitekter. He told us about some of their interesting and beautiful projects, and their collaboration with Steven Holl on the soon to open Hamsun Centre.


summer detour

The travelling Detour exhibition, showing the National Tourist Routes projects, opens today at Philadelphia Center for Architecture where it will stay during the summer before moving to New York in September.


The Architect Association of Northern Norway invites to a lecture by LY arkitekter this Friday June 5, 19.30 at Kinobaren, Tromsø Kino. Afterwards there will be snacks, drinks and discussions at the bar - welcome!