
The Order of Potatoes

Åsa Sonjasdotter gives a lecture today, Thursday April 30, 15.00, at Kunstakademiet:

The presentation “A Potato Perspective on: The Order of Potatoes” is a rearrangement and actualisation of different presentations I’ve made on the subject over the last few years. In the presentation I will make available potato varieties that are prohibited for commercial circulation within the EU and present material on the historical journey that has led to this state of order.

The potatoes’ journey through Europe, from its first appearance as loot from Spanish Conquistadores’ raids in South America in the 1500s to its position today as genetically regulated plant material, contains many surprising details and conjunctions with major historical, political and economic transformations. Becoming an important foodstuff during industrialisation, the potato is one of the basic threads woven through the story of modern societal transformation.

Cultivated potato varieties are living historical material; they are carriers of information and knowledge from the past. Throughout history, the tubers have been bred to cater to our varying needs and desires, be it those of home-gardeners, small-scale farmers or corporate life sciences researchers. Some of this living history will be available during the exhibition since it takes place very appropriately during the potato-planting season; it will be possible for visitors to collect samples of potato varieties that still exist but have been outlawed for commercial circulation, planting or further distribution.

The handing-out of marginalized potato varieties is an act that increases, in real terms, the genetic diversity that is currently kept locked away in gene banks. It can at the same time be understood as a symbolic distribution, highlighting a matter of urgent importance to Europe: The marginalisation and criminalisation of what capital interests define as ‘disturbing elements’.

More about the project at: potatoperspective.


cold science

Tromsø is hosting the conference Melting Ice: Regional Dramas, Global Wake-Up Call today April 28, and the Arctic Council's Ministerial Meeting tomorrow, so the city is full of ministers and scientists - and Al Gore.
Parts of the Melting Ice conference can be followed on web-TV.


c'est la töff!

Excellent Kurant invites to une fête trusöxuelle this Saturday!
Performance, film, music and surprises!


coastal express

Gisle gives a guest lecture on openness and experiment today at the Network Colloquium: Multidisciplinary Perspectives at NTNU.
Tomorrow he'll lecture on the same theme at BAS, and present the studio we'll be teaching this autumn.


hot inauguration

Our rodeca research project (remember?) was inaugurated during Easter - yes, it's a sauna, on wheels on the terrace.
Blue light, hot steam, fresh snow and cold beer turned out to be a good combination - so this is where you might find us this week-end as well..!



Spring is coming - join the allotment plot and do some urban agriculture - or why not rural agriculture, si tu préfères..

The idea is that with The Allotment Plot inspire and encourage people to use unplanned or unused areas close to where they live to grow what will become locally produced organically grown vegetables.
Plant a square of vegetable wherever you find the space for it. Grow organically, local and easy. Then publish pictures at our website to inspire more people to plant a square of vegetable wherever they find the space for it.


play all day

Our kindergartens are presented in the Play all day book about designs, concepts and diy ideas for children - cute!


God Påske!

Easter is cabin season - here's from today's VG, and yes, this is where we've spent some of the week..
