

The Pan Barentz exhibition presents a series of statements made by artists, architects and others on urban identity in the Northern parts of Russia, Norway, Sweden and Finland, opening at 0047 Friday February 27.
Organized by Pikene på Broen and 0047.
See you there!


le Quotidien des Architectes #3 - cut & paste ..or secrets..

Ok, this post was going to be about our daily, and for the moment nightly as well, activities - with some pics about cutting and pasting, on computors and in real life (you know, with scissors, cutters and glue).. but since everything is so secret this is all we can say at the moment: we're doing something that involves entre autre computors and glue, we'll let you know how it turned out...


Arkitektur N ..ews..

Arkitektur N #1 2009 presents National Tourist Routes projects by 3RW, Arild Wåge, Jensen & Skodvin, us and others..



We just received a copy of the korean magazine bob #055 where our kindergartens are presented, together with lots of other projects from around the world.



Bauwelt 5 / 2009 + Wettbewerbe Aktuell 3 / 2009


Nordhavnen backyard

The blogging bakgård people are working on a very interesting project:
We have a new semester project at school. Our site is situated at Nordhavnen in Copenhagen, Denmark. 70°N and Dahl & Uhre won the 1st prize in Nordhavnen Open International Ideas Competition. In their winning proposal our teacher gave us three plots to choose from.

(They are more diligent bloggers than us so you have to scroll down a bit to find the post.. but are they working as hard on Nordhavnen as we are? We're eager to see the result..!)

Emerging Architecture Talks

Gisle has left for London to give a lecture at RIBA. That is if he manages to get there, yesterday almost no flights took off from Tromsø or landed in London - due to the snow..
So, hopefully, it'll be possible to discuss Emerging Architecture with Gisle and Junya Ishigami at 6.30 tonight, RIBA 66 Portland Place.

new news

Arkitektnytt with new format, lay-out, paper and design arrived today - and we like it.
This issue presents månedens bilde, architecture talks with Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Jan Carlsen's article on our Nordhavnen project.