
last week: Dancing Obama - this week: Detour Norway

The Detour exhibition has now reached the National Building Museum in Washington where parts of the Obama inaugural festivities took place. Detour showcases projects from National Tourist Routes, including our bird watching towers, rest area and bikers' refuge (as on photo above). The exhibition has already traveled Europe with stops in: Oslo, Berlin, Caen, Paris, Brussels, Stockholm, Bologna and Bratislava.


The xbo did some guest starring during Tromsø International Film Festival. Partly packed in snow it served as a head quarter / info centre in the main square - it has since retired to a new and quieter site..


Kurant - turning their backs on Oslo

This is what you should do this Friday night in Tromsø (if you don't have our deadlines..):
Galleri Kurant presents works by Hanne Grieg Hermansen and Hans Borchgrevink Hansen, the exhibition opens tonight at 19.00, Søndre Tollbodgate 17. Kråksølv will give a concert at 21.00.

Have a nice, and sunny, week-end!
(yes, the sun has now returned to Tromsø after two months..)



..once again we can say: we don't understand, but it's beautiful..
and if what's written above makes sense to you, you can read about our kindergartens (we do understand the pics..) at cudmiodiorzeszki.



On europaconcorsi you can discover some of our projects, as well as a lot of other ones: competitions and realized.


citizen KBH

The three winning teams at 'borgermøde' in Nordhavnen, Magdalena and Thomas presented and discussed Excentral Park - Edge Dynamics.
photo: Lene Skytthe / By & Havn




This is what we and about one hundred other people did last night: PechaKucha!
The article is from the Tromsø International Film Festival magazine.

Thanks to the generous presenters and DJ, the enthusiastic audience, all our important collaborators and the PechaKucha family!

Pics from yesterday's event are coming up soon..


edge dynamic weekend

In today's issue of danish Weekendavisen (#2 - Jan 9 2009) Peter Schultz Jørgensen writes, once again , an insightful and interesting article on ongoing processes and possibilities - with beautiful reflections on our Excentral Park - Edge Dynamics!

An extract: Arkitekter med bløde blyanter og computere kan skabe fantastiske billeder. Jo mere fantastiske, jo mere utopiske bliver de som fikseringer af en ukendt fremtid. De kommer til at virke blokerende og giver indtryk af en afklaring, der ikke er grundlag for. I stedet for at komprimere tiden i byplanen som dokument lader 70°N + D&U byplanen sig folde ud som en proces, der følger med tiden. Tiden bliver et grundstof i bydannelsen.


Freud & Architecture

This is great fun if you read danish.. a discussion with Freud on how architecture is presented - smiling women in dresses on bikes, happy kids, cute animals - with our Swan Lake pic from Nordhavnen as illustration: read Lehrskov!

(we've now produced the alternative pic: Crow Lake - old bald men with bikes, not so cute animals and unhappy kids)

PechaKucha Night #5

We are proud to announce the list of presenters at Pecha Kucha Night #5:

Christian Caspersen + Mireille Jacques // nuff
Nicholas Woche // artist // tromsø art academy/hff
Nina Erdahl // stylist // nostalgia
Mariane Cosserat // curator // seas
Rose Marie Steinsvik // architect // steinsvik arkitektkontor
Erik Smith Meyer // director/actor/producer
Stina Fagertun // author/storyteller // fantasibyrået cabaret avec
Erling Steenstrup // architect/counsellor cultural heritage // tromsø municipality
Tor S. Ditlefsen + Morten Johansen // light designers
Enrique Molina Campos + Francisco Puga Ortiz // architects
Oddgeir Sølvfæstersen // tromsø living
DJ Bendiks

January 13 at 19.30 the doors will open at Kjeller5 (øvre Mack, Storgata sør) - and the fifth Pecha Kucha in Tromsø will take place!

The number of tickets is limited, please make a reservation here.

Pecha Kucha Night Tromsø is arranged by tank design and 70°N arkitektur in collaboration with Mack.
Devised and shared by Klein Dytham architecture, supported by Autodesk.


Portugese House Traders magazine presents Strandkanten with Yngve's amazing pics.


..and this is what Strandkanten looked like this snowy tuesday..


Army of Mothers

Message from Femme Digitale at armyofmothers.


Dette sterke ropet kom lørdag 3. januar kl. 13.50 fra Mads Gilbert, lege p.t. i Gaza:
De bombet det sentrale grønnsaksmarkedet i Gaza by for to timer siden. 80 skadde, 20 drept, alt kom hit til Shifa. Hades! Vi vasser i død, blod og amputater. Masse barn. Gravid kvinne. Jeg har aldri opplevd noe så fryktelig. Nå hører vi tanks. Fortell videre, send videre, rop det videre. Alt. GJØR NOE! GJØR MER! Vi lever i historieboka nå, alle!
Mads G.