
God Jul!


Brinken in Arkitektur N

Brinken Terrasse is presented in Arkitektur N #08/09.


Bergen again

We're at BAS for the final reviews at the City as Biotope studio. See the students' work at www.cityasbiotope.blogspot.com.



This year's christmas party was thrown at the office - with lots of nice people and delicious bacalao!


green, grand paris

The second of Gisle's articles, Learning from french presidents?, appeared in Nordlys this week. This time it is Paris, where we traveled together with our BAS students, that is under the search light, from projects launched by presidents to more rhizomatic ones, for instance from aaa.

fantasía y subjectividad

In the article Territorios de la infancia in spanish magazine Arquitectura Viva #126 our kindergartens are used as one of the examples.


Arkitektur i Norge - årboka 2009

The yearbook Architecture in Norway, edited by the National Museum for art, architecture and design, presents our kindergartens and Brinken Terrasse.


read mosaïc::reading

mosaïc::reading - the city as biotope is a master studio at Bergen Arkitektskole run during the autumn term 2009 by Gisle Løkken, Magdalena Haggärde, Kjerstin Uhre and Knut Eirik Dahl. Under the themes of new hierarchies, imbedded information, elasticity, dynamic of small cultures, points of departure, vulnerability and charging the landscape with new energy different aspects, ideas and possibilities of planning have been discussed and discovered - at the school in Bergen, on study trips to Malmö and Paris, and on the blog cityasbiotope. The blog has grown throghout the autumn with the students’ work, the presentation of new themes and comments.
Here, in this little textbook: mosaic::reading, the collection, we have gathered the introduction texts for each theme.


Welcome Michele!

Michele has joined the 70°N-team!


Collection: Landscape Architecture

Our National Tourist Routes projects in Lofoten are presented in Collection: Landscape Architecture

Landscape architecture creates and shapes open spaces for human beings. It combines nature and architecture and links grown and planned environments. It depends on local factors such as the climate, type of soil, as well as varying local traditions much more than structural design.
Collection: Landscape Architecture presents the whole wealth of this fascinating sector featuring 180 projects around the world – from the classic fields of horticulture and park design, to LandArt and urban outdoor design, which make do without grass and trees entirely, up to the current ecological themes of interior gardens and façade greening.

arquitectura y madera

This publication, both on the web and printed, assembles wood architecture from all over the world - Lofoten for instance.


Fab in Førde

Mestres Wåge arquitectes and Nordplan have won the competition for a new town hall and more in Førde - well done and congratulations to them!
We're happy to be part of the team, as advisors.


lively or deadly conditions

Our proposal for Nordhavnen is being discussed in the latest issue of Conditions magazine. Under the interesting label Dead or Alive the uncertain futures of winning competition proposals are being researched.

and the winner is..

Gisle is in Graz this week-end together with the Europan jury, to make the final decision..
Congratulations to Europan Norway for that new and good looking web page!



Our kindergarten is one of the example projects presented in the article Too cool for school? in british glossy kids' magazine Junior #121.


One of our projects is on its way up. This is, we believe, Tromsø's first bubbledeck.


Meet (or eat) the Muskox

Greenland party this week-end with stories, pictures and tastes from Kalaallit Nunaat.


PKN#7 - Polar Fokus

We are proud to present PechaKucha Night #7 in collaboration with the photo festival Polar Fokus!
It will take place Wednesday October 28, at 19.30 at Kjeller5. The presenters, all photographers, are:
Kristine Nyborg - Kristine Nyborg
Ingun Mæhlum - Fotodama
Arvid Sveen - Arvid Sveen
Svein Sætre - C3
Arthur Arnesen - FotoFilm
Mari Karlstad - Tromsø Museum
Jens-Morten Øvervoll - JM foto
Ronald Johansen - Bladet Tromsø
Torgrim Rath Olsen - Nordlys
Adnan Isagic - Tromsø Museum
DJ Kozmas

NB! New ticket system!
This is how it works now:
Due to the legislation and permissions for our venue, Kjeller5, you have to be a member to get in. To become a member is really easy, if you already now receive our flyers by e-mail you are a member, and can just show up! If not, just send an enquiry here - this is also how you get updated information and invitations!
On the PechaKucha Night the doors will open at 19.30, and we will let members until Kjeller5 is full..!


à +

Au revoir!


Exploring the high north

70°N goes west to investigate the prosperous future of the city of Maniitsoq on the western coast of Greenland. One week of traveling and exploration brought back strong impressions and exciting challenges.

A+U goes north

Some Lofoten projects in the latest issue of japanese magazine A+U, focusing on scandinavian architecture.


bring Bateson back

The first in a series of articles by Gisle appeared in today's Nordlys - Byer i endring (Changing cities) about urbanisation, with examples from our investigations in Malmö: new housing on old landfills as in Västra Hamnen, risks of gentrification in Möllevången, stigmatized Rosengård and the ressources and possibilities bound in the infrastructure areas and peri-urban landscapes - wrapping it all up with the words of Gregory Bateson: We are not outside the ecology for which we plan - we are always and inevitably a part of it.


away again

After spending last week with the students in Bergen and the Europan jury in Oslo Gisle has now left again. This time to Greenland - Kangerlussuaq, Sisimut, Maniitsoq.. - together with Berit who just returned from her asian trip - we have some travel stories to look forward to.


Seoul you!

Berit sends us some kim chi and patterns from her trip to Seoul and Tokyo - we want to hear all about it!



We're happy to announce the presenters for PechaKucha Tromsø #6!
Erlend Mogård Larsen - Vulkana
Endre Skandfer – animator Storm Studios
Ingeborg Solvang – director Sonar Film
Jens Styve & Espen Sandberg - Tank
Tone Lein & Herman Kristoffersen - globetrotters
Andreas Willersrud - student politician
Kristian Gundersen - Random gallery
Phillippe Gundersen - urbanist Tromsø/Praha
Øyvind Johnson - student recruiter
DJ Bendiks

NB! New ticket system!
This is how it works now:
Due to the legislation and permissions for our venue, Kjeller5, you have to be a member to get in. To become a member is really easy, if you already now receive our flyers by e-mail you are a member, and can just show up! If not, just sign in here - this is also how you get updated information and invitations!
On the PechaKucha Night the doors will open at 19.30, and we will let members until Kjeller5 is full..!


Back in Öresund

We're traveling and investigating the Öresund region and Malmö once again, this time together with the students - from discussions about the Louisiana exhibition (Fremtidens arkitektur er grøn!), vegetable market at Möllevången, visit in Rosengård to picking pears in the peri urban areas.. ..and more.


in and out of office..

As Joar and Gisle are back from Drammen and Bergen, Berit has left us - again!
Hopefully we'll get some reports from Korea and Japan..



SEAS Tromsø starts today!


BAS begins

We're in Bergen for the start of the autumn term since we're going to teach a master studio at the architecture school - follow us at city as biotope!
At the opening day a fantastic new space was revealed out of the fogs of that old BAS smell - the silo will contribute to the school, that has already many intriguing spaces..


London calling

Berit has left for London, where she has a secret mission - we'll let you know, of course..


tromsø jam session

We missed the jam making but made it for the artist talk, and learned about the very interesting ideas and work behind the Public Fruit Jams - and the jar of Citrus Medley we got as a gift from LA earlier. And we could see and smell the result of some hours of collaborative jam making - lovely!

Fallen Fruit is an art collaboration that began with creating maps of public fruit: the fruit trees growing on or over public property in Los Angeles. Our work includes an ongoing series of narrative photographs, videos, public events or collaborative performances, public-service announcement billboard posters designed for public transit shelters as well as interactive installation work and murals.


ivan again

Photographer extraordinaire Ivan Brodey spent some August days in Tromsø photographing some of our new projects - now it's up to us to chose the right pics from the contacts..


C3 #300

Korean magazine C3 presents our Lofoten projects over five spreads under the headline Command a Fine View Platform. In their special 300th issue you'll also find a fine presentation of parisian office R&Sie and their projects of hybridization, grafting, cloning and morphing.


parcours norvégien

French AD has been travelling Norway, visiting some national tourist routes projects and writing about it in their issue No83.



Chinese magazine a+a presents Strandkanten in vol.29 no.4.


seismograph exhibition

Still one week to see the Seismograph City exhibition, if you're in Hamburg..
The page on Nordhavnen is from the catalogue Seismograph City - sustainable strategies in architecture and urban design.


sweet summer

The office has been running a bit slow lately since some are on vacation and others are spending this beautiful Tromsø summer sublimely conducted by these delicate hands..


dialogue days

Peter Schultz Jørgensen, architect, planner and writer, is visiting us for some conversation, discussion and thinking on planning in our time. We have spent the last days in deep dialogue that is supposed to end up as a text in a book.
Peter is the author of the Weekendavisen articles Et kvalificeret brud and Den flydende by.


Lightness, Quickness, Exactitude, Visibility, Multiplicity and Consistency

Congratulations to Berit who has now finished her diploma!
We had the opportunity to see and to celebrate it yesterday with great food, company and discussions - as always in Casa S.

..and those words: Lightness, Quickness, Exactitude, Visibility, Multiplicity and Consistency, are of course of Italo Calvino and his Six Memo's and, to put it very short, the departure for Berit's excellent work.

If you're in Århus you can see her and the other students' projects at the diploma exhibition.


diseñart #35

Spanish magazine diseñart #35 presents our kindergartens over three spreads.


Island tour

We've spent the last days traveling some of Norway's most beautiful islands to see projects under construction, already built ones and some sites for possible new projects. So we left Tromsø, passed Kvaløya to go to Senja, from there we continued to Andøya, Hinnøya, Langøya in Vesterålen and on to the Lofoten islands of Austvågøy and Vestvågøy, and then Hamarøy.
In addition to checking our own projects we also took a look at Steven Holl's Hamsunsenter which is to be opened in less than a month, and we couldn't pass by Dan Graham's mirror sculpture without a stop.


In the magazine Plan #3-4 several projects and processes where D&U and 70°N been involved are mentioned as examples of more experimental and 'spectacular' planning. John Pløger refers to the Game of Tromsø and the Year of Urban Development, as well as our article Openness and Experiment, in his article Ambivalens og etos - forskjeller og likheter i byplanlegging i Norge og Danmark.

Hanne Bertnes and Aasne Haug uses the Nordhavnen competition as a case in the article Et møte med dansk planmiljø:
"Hvordan sikres intensjonene i en god plan? Er det i styrkeforholdet mellom offentlig ansvarlighet og private investorer man finner svaret, eller er det mer i prosessen og mindre i selve svaret? De tre vinnerne etter første runde i Nordhavnen hadde ulike svar på akkurat dette. Mens de to danske prosjektene la opp til en "tradisjonell" planstrategi der planen definerer de fysiske strukturer, satset det norske vinnerbidraget på en prosessbasert planstrategi, der viktige offentlige strukturer defineres, men der fremtidens fysiske omgivelser defineres suksessivt med utviklingen. Denne tankemåten erkjenner at vi ikke vet hva fremtidens samfunn trenger, men er samtidig mer krevende for planleggere og utviklere som ønsker forutsigbarhet."

"How to secure the intentions of a good plan?
The three winning concepts in the Nordhavnen competition had different answers to this question. While both the danish projects presented a 'traditional' planning strategy where the plan defines the physical structures, the norwegian winning proposal went for a process based planning strategy, where important public structures are defined, but where the physical surroundings of the future are defined successively with the development. This thinking recognizes that we do not know what tomorrow's society needs, but is at the same time more challenging for planners and developers who wish predictability."


TaTLIN 5|47|64| 2008

We had only seen the cover of this TaTLIN magazine presenting Strandkanten, but here's the whole article.


cathedrals & hotels

Gisle's writing about how hotels have taken over the right to build monuments in our cities with a recent example from Narvik and a quote from Aaron Betsky on that if one's considering building monumental, free-standing buildings today one should be sure they are of the same importance and quality as yesterday's cathedrals - the buildings that historically have had this place.


COP after RIO

Jan Carlsen puts attention on the upcoming COP15, taking place in Copenhagen in December, with an article in Arkitektnytt.
He's been talking sustainability with Knut Eirik Dahl and Marius Nygaard of AHO using our Excentral Park - Edge Dynamics project as a starting point.


Seismograph City

The exhibition Seismograph City opened Monday in Hamburg. Nordhavnen / Excentral Park - Edge Dynamics is exhibited together with other projects under the the title Sustainable Strategies in Dialogue.

The universal city defines itself not only as the catalyst of cultural, social, economic and ecological processes, but also as the seismograph of global developments. Never before has there been such consensus between politicians and the public on the question of how we can innovatively and constructively improve our living environment. Given global challenges to develop sustainable strategies in architecture and urban design, the architectural profession assumes a significant role and responsibility. This exhibition and catalogue present a diverse spectrum of buildings in various stages of development and completion as well as visionary designs which address sustainable strategies in the context of current architectural and urban developments worldwide. Selected projects provide an exciting insight (not overview) into current planning in the city of Hamburg, as well as a fascinating and rather surprising collection of projects, designs and visions which excite our imaginations, give us strength, motivation and which hopefully inspire us to further examine themes of sustainability.

org Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt
Mo bis Sa 11-18 Uhr, Fr 11-20 Uhr
@ Hamburg, Deichtorcenter, Oberbaumbrücke 1


In the latest issue of 'scape magazine #1 2009, Joren Jacobs has written an intelligent little article about our Nordhavnen project.

'The vision of 70°N and Dahl & Uhre clearly opposes traditional linear development which can neither cope with change, nor cater for creative solutions. it cannot do what the people of Copenhagen requested: "no-regulation zones", a place "a bit rough, messy and unpolished", because "the unexpected is attractive". So in addition to their flexible basic structure plan 70°N and Dahl & Uhre's strategy is an ever-evolving open plan process and dialogue. This involves a broad collaborative exchange with many different parties, like journalists, citizens, landscape architects and researchers in various fields (biology, agriculture, economy, energy, marine enviroment, rainwater and culture). As the design firms put it themselves: " One must establish a universe of ideas beyond the field of thought of the developer-institution. In our strategy, the the programming of Nordhavn and the development strategy must constantly be charged with new knowledge. It is possible to see this project as a work of art - in progress.' JJ

Dr M is blogging

We're happy to see our friend Morten has joined the blogosphere. We're sure he'll serve some nice reports and reflections from travels both far and not-so-far away here.


Greetings from us and Toyo Ito in Barcelona!


NTR in d2

In today's d2 there is an article on the National Tourist Routes where one of our projects appears (in the printed version).


le Quotidien des Architectes #4 - collab traveling

Now it is time for part 4 in our series on the everyday life of architects: architects collaborate. When we collaborate with others it often includes travelling, as not everybody has a Tromsø branch. This time some of us are off to Barcelona for a competition collaboration - more about it soon!


Russian Interni magazine presents our kindergartens as part of their playspace special.


Harbour Cities

Gisle + Magdalena give a lecture at the Harbour Cities conference in Kristiansand today - program here.


archi column

Gisle has written a column in today's Nordlys - on architecture politics and processes.


meet the president

The NAL president Kjersti Nerseth is visiting Tromsø and NAF as part of her norwegian tour. The aims are to inform about and discuss the new architecture politics, also on a local level. Thursday June 18 at 19.00 everybody interested is welcome to meet her and fellow NAL representatives at Formannskapssalen, Tromsø rådhus.


the plot

One of our newest and smallest constructions is starting to pay off and today we could taste our first delicious radishes. The rucola and coriander are regularly incorporated in our meals and now we're just waiting for the dessert - strawberries!
See the debuts of our hotbed and its fellow allotment plots here - and post your own to the collection.

more winners

This week included a trip to Oslo for Magdalena, to attend the prize ceremony for Statens Byggeskikkpris.

Now we're off into the nature on this beautiful summer's day - a more detailed report will come soon..

Update: Statens byggeskikkpris was delivered Wednesday by the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa.

The winning project is Preikestolen Fjellstue by Helen & Hard.

Honourable mentions to:
Ungdomspsykiatrisk avdeling, Førde by Arild Wåge, Nordplan.
Universet studentbarnehage, Tromsø by Steinsvik arkitektkontor
Hundsund grendesenter, Bærum by div.A arkitekter

Nominated projects were also:
Oslo International School by Jarmund/Vigsnæs arkitekter
Løvåshagen by ABO plan & arkitektur
Steinerskolen på Skjold by 3RW arkitekter


award winners

Yesterday's NAF event included the prize ceremony for Northern Norway Architecture Award. This year three awards were given:
- Undomshuset Straumanstua in Lofoten by Jarmund/Vigsnæs
- The rehabilitation of Hamningberg, Finnmark
- The Honour Award was given to Knut Eirik Dahl for his enduring efforts to increase understanding and raise the quality of our urban areas.

Congratulations to you all for well earned attention and appraisal!

Afterwards we were treated with a lecture by Erik Langdalen from LY arkitekter. He told us about some of their interesting and beautiful projects, and their collaboration with Steven Holl on the soon to open Hamsun Centre.


summer detour

The travelling Detour exhibition, showing the National Tourist Routes projects, opens today at Philadelphia Center for Architecture where it will stay during the summer before moving to New York in September.


The Architect Association of Northern Norway invites to a lecture by LY arkitekter this Friday June 5, 19.30 at Kinobaren, Tromsø Kino. Afterwards there will be snacks, drinks and discussions at the bar - welcome!


world in denmark - change

Reflective urbanism - experimenting openness is the title of the lecture to be given by Gisle and Knut Eirik at the World in Denmark conference, May 29 at DAC, Copenhagen.

From the program:
Change has become mantra: climate change, environmental, financial and political change. Change in nature and society has before resulted in change in the aesthetic language; as a sign of something upcoming or as a mirroring of something that has arrived. Is this the case in today’s urban space? Do we see and do we need new definition, new significance new use of the urban landscape and consequently a new aesthetic language in the urban space? Though the significance belongs to the large scale the signs often start in the small – in garden art and landscape architecture. The World in Denmark conference asks this question to landscape architects and their answers will take form as reflections and projects.


artac attac

While the second year students conclude this semester at the art academy with open seminars this Thursday and Friday at Tromsø Kunstforening, the first year students will open their summer exhibition at excellent kurant Tuesday June 2 at 18.00, the exhibition will be open until June 4.

travel & sea

Strandkanten is on the checkonsite guide to architecture and travel.



We're planning for another PechaKucha Night before the summer!
Keep updated here - and join the info list.


west coast missions

This and next week some of us are travelling the west coasts of Scandinavia. Missions of different kinds will take us to Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim and Göteborg.. back at the office after Withsun.


spring press

In the air at the moment:
-the work with a proposal for architecture politics
-the europan 10 juries are announced
-a comment on the Innovative Integration conference in Arkitekten
-press on some of the projects nominated for Statens Byggeskikkpris: Universet kindergarten in Tromsø, Preikestolen Fjellstue in Jørpeland and Ungdomspsykiatrisk avdeling in Førde


unfolding homes - transporting dreams

The XBO appears in an article on mobile, ephemeral, minimal structures in swiss Tendance Déco #2 2009. The blue bubble is by Atelier Van Lieshout.