

no links no pics this week, but maybe some updates by mobile blogging from paris..


D magazine

La Repubblica's magazine D casa presents our kindergartens in their October issue (#620). If you understand italian read it here.

(Thanks to Elena of Oulu MoNArchs who sent us the scans.)


dream team!

Together with us in the Deichmann competition we have a great team - of course!:
Dahl&Uhre, architects
Åsa Sonjasdotter, artist
Ellen Braae, landscape architect
Barlindhaug Consult, engineers

competing with: Toyo Ito, Xaveer de Geyter, Lacaton/Vassal, Behnisch Architekten, Snøhetta and others..

We're in!

Good news just reached us: we're one of the chosen teams for the Munch/Deichmann competitions!


le Quotidien des Architectes - part two: assessing

Gisle is back at the office after the diploma sessions at NTNU, together with fellow assessors Marianne Sætre, Christoffer Harlang and Olav Kristoffersen.


Urban Picturesque

Interesting reflections crossing each other in our mail-box:

-first J is discussing how cities promote themselves with images of splendid nature more than with representations urban surroundings, Tromsø is not (at all..) an exception: read it here (in norwegian).

-then artist Edward C Thomson invites to a presentation of a project called Borderline Picturesque, today wednesday at 19.00 at Kysten:
A picture of Northern Norway had been imprinted in my mind long before even considering working in Tromsø. Infinitely deep fjords and rugged snow covered mountains, a masculine landscape straight out of every mystery adventure I’d eagerly devoured throughout my childhood. The Scanorama in-flight magazine I flicked through on the flight to Tromsø confirmed this image, advocating it as a lifestyle. Seductive imagery of radian couples clad in high performance fabrics out challenging the wilderness. Framed by the rotating airport doors my first gaze upon Tromsø was met by an iridescent sunset carved into by a jagged mountainous silhouette. How is the proximity to the spectacular mediated in this city situated at the border to the picturesque? Has its setting become a product, a myth, a lifestyle with physical effect embedded in the structure of the city? Co-operating with the Tromsø Art Academy I asked eleven students to respond to the image presented on a postcard from the city comparing it to their perceptions of its site of representation. The exhibition event ‘Borderline Picturesque’ brings together these responses.

..postcard realities or reality postcards..?

+ some more art:
Open Class: open for all! Tromsø Academy of Fine Art, Strandveien 8 (Northern enterance) Thursday 16.10, 15.00
Sille Storihle presents: Barselgrad, a project about spaces for meeting and exchange. For more info see: www.barselgrad.net and www.bluss.net.

..and don't forget to support the Art Academy now!


Melding fra studentene ved Tromsø Kunstakademi

Les her, signer her - og send linken videre!

We don't understand..

..but it's beautiful!

korean kover

ArchiWorld / InteriorWorld puts our kindergarten on the cover of their Culture & Education special issue #71. Inside there is a beautiful six-spread article - we really enjoy seeing someone treat our project and Ivan's pics this well! IW#71_article_anim2


Landskrona Library..

.. is presenting our Mosaïc::Region and the other finalists from the Øresundsvisioner 2040 competition - the exhibition opens Tuesday October 14.

Pecha Pics

slidesPKN#4 here is the Pecha Kucha #4 slideshow


Magical Systems

Art exhibition opening tonight at Tromsø Kunstforening:
Magical Systems; science, technology and art turned into mythical, absurd and fantastic pieces by the artists Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Kristoffer Myskja, Madeleine Park, Mai Hofstad Gunnes, Toril Johannessen, Siri Harr Steinvik, Fredrik Svensson.
In collaboration with Insomnnia Dissmentado (Buenos Aires) performs; Dissmentado – a project from Ismael Pinkler and Maximo Graesse Bondino using field recordings put together into slow motion ambient house tracks.


Pecha Kucha Love

Thanks to everyone who made last night at Kjeller5 great!
-the presenters who shared their touching, interesting, funny, poetic, important stories
-DJ Bendiks for the beat
-Mack and Ølhallen people for the location and the cold beer, their work, presence and incredible commitment
-the audience for their appreciating attention
-the Pecha Kucha team for everything!
-PKN/ KDa Tokyo for the support

Pics coming soon..!


Thursday in Tromsø.. with Snøhetta, Yokoland, Teipu, A Leopard, Some Monkeys, Numerous Butterflies, Dozens of Peacocks and a Sublime Vista

Yes it is all happening Thursday, October 9 - only in Tromsø:

Snøhetta will give a lecture on creative processes and projects at Kommunestyresalen, Rådhuset (entrance by the cinema) at 18:30.

Yokoland and Teipu are some of the participating graphic designers at the design+music event organized by tank, at 18.00 in Kjeller5.

Edward Clydesdale Thomson gives a lecture called *A Leopard, Some Monkeys, Numerous Butterflies, Dozens of Peacocks and a Sublime Vista* at the Art Academy at 15.00 - open for all!

..and as you all know Insomnia starts Thursday as well..!



The über-talented Berit Steenstrup creates beautiful things (also!) when she's not working with us.. together with Mette Jensen and Nora Aursand Iversen she's now signed this little piece of art: Cineplastic - enjoy!

(don't forget to turn the sound on)