
PKN#4 - the list!

We are proud to announce the list of presenters at Pecha Kucha Night #4:
Anneli Drecker - music artist / composer
Håkon Matre Aasarød - fantastic norway - architect
Victoria H Meirik - theatre director
Trine Falch - performance artist
Sigrid Bjørkum - Siggelicious - architect / blogger
Fredrik Forssman - rock consultant - Rockens Hus
Rachel Peterson + Ole Gunnar Solheim - Redd Barna + Amnesty International - region leaders
Elisabeth Brun - NRK - producer
Kolbjørn Lyslo - fra Lev Termen til tysk tekno
+ DJ Bendiks!

October 8 at 19.30 the doors will open at Kjeller5 (øvre Mack, Storgata sør) - and the fourth Pecha Kucha in Tromsø will take place!
The number of tickets is limited, please make a reservation here. Remaining tickets will be sold at the entrance (20;-).
Pecha Kucha Night Tromsø is arranged by tank design and 70°N arkitektur in collaboration with Mack. Devised and shared by Klein & Dytham architecture.


le Quotidien des Architectes - part one: charretting

For our non-architect readers we will now tell you a little about the everyday life of the architects: what we do when we cannot make it for that party/movie/travel/dentist appointment/tennis match/dinner you proposed..

Life at the architect office contains both hard (and secret, you'll know later) work; see images above taken at 3 am last night, and some glamorous celebrating when good (but secret, you'll know it all soon) news arrive; see pics below taken exactly twelve hours later.

One thing you can notice is that we are happy all the time! You can also see that we never leave our magic machines. It doesn't matter if we're struggeling with last-minute-changes and pdf-exports at five o'clock in the morning or if we're doing some really heavy celebration - this time it was these 0,50€ eskimos, sometimes there is champagne involved.. - to be continued..


archdaily tourists

Our Tourist Routes projects are now published on archdaily.

Here the idea was to write something on all these fantastic people with great blogs doing a lot of work finding and publishing interesting projects, but since we are charetting hard these days - this will be all for now..

..by the way - Strandkanten is now to find also here, here and here..


daily daycare

On archdaily today: the kindergartens!

..we just got a tip that they appear here as well..


brad and us

Here are this week's pics by mocoloco presenting Brad Pitt's architecture (on top) and some Gisle L architecture (a couple of images below..) - the brad-battle just begun!
Should we get into acting to keep him busy on two fronts?

in the zone again

This time it is our National Tourist Routes projects that are nicely presented in DeZona!

NAF - kindergartens

This Thursday we're invited by NAF as one of three offices to present and discuss our work with kindergartens in Tromsø. If you're interested you're welcome; Thursday, September 18 at 18.30, in Formannskapssalen, Tromsø City Hall.



The cabin in Skarsfjord is presented by arkinetia.


play it again

The new versions of the playing walls are here demonstrated by happy kids at Elvestrand kindergarten.

observation posts

This is a brief of a text by prof. urb. Knut Eirik Dahl on our Lofoten projects, that we think is very beautiful - today's little gift to you:

Observation posts in the landscape

“My personal favourite to win, however, would be the Norwegian State Road Administration. Forum AID documented their Tourist Roads project in issue 3.06, such an extremely unconventional and extensive project that during the ten years it has been going on has stimulated a whole new generation of architects.”
Mark Isitt, former editor in chief for Forum AID magazine, on the Forum AID award 2007

70°N arkitektur was represented in the exhibition “Detour” at Norsk Form in 2006 with three projects in Vestvågøy and Austvågøy, Lofoten Islands - one birds observation building, one cyclists’ rest space and one rest area, given form as respectively two small towers and one linear field in the landscape.

The italian architect Franco Purini wrote many years ago a text in Casabella on the menaces to the italian landscape and proposed a (mental) network of observation posts to protect it. The projects in Lofoten can be seen as such posts. The Tourist Routes project as a whole can be seen as such a network. It is this larger idea behind this national project that stimulates the architects to do their utmost.

The projects appear as small scenes on the surface – landscape condensation in built form.

These three projects can and should be seen as ‘a body of work”. They are unbelievably beautiful and will become even more beautiful with the time, and take upon them new qualities. Everybody who keeps up to date have noticed that these three projects are published and discussed in international press, whenever norwegian architecture is presented outside the country’s borders.

It is a global appeal in our time in these simplified constructions, barely visible but so present – on the site.


fantastic fantastic!

Right now the fantastic fantastic norway people are about to start their fantastic festival performance in the red caravan at the Venice Biennale - yes, we support and believe in FANTASTIC NORWAY!

pic borrowed from siggelicious


x-factor guided tour

Students from NTNU visited Tromsø and got a guided tour from Strandkanten, via Brinkvegen and Nøkken ending in Steinsvik's I-BOX.



The Skjold Steiner-school by 3RW has been awarded Bergen Arkitektforening's byggherrepris - congratulations!


in the zone

Strandkanten is in DeZona, and so are the kindergartens!


think and practice

A quick trip to Stockholm this week-end let us take part in the Stockholm Seminar's lectures and discussions on thinking architecture - reflective practitioners.