
mobile inhabitat

Inhabitat presents the xbo today..

..and it sure is mobile..!


work in progress

Deep discussions with our D&U friends - but about what? We'll tell you soon!


an archi a day..

Strandkanten is your daily dose of architecture!

jamón jamón

The cava was good and so was the jamón at our spanish evening - starting on the terrace and ending with a slide show which included some learning from Bilbao.. ehum..

Mosaïc planning

Today Mosaïc::Region - represented by Gisle, Kjerstin, Knut Eirik and Magdalena - was invited for a presentation and discussion with Tromsø's Planning Director Per Hareide and his crew at the municipality's planning department. Everybody was engaged in the debate on how to plan for unknown futures in a complex and non-linear world..


beating up buildings

The research continued by beating up the building (pic2), refill recycled plastic crystals (with the help of a cut off bottle, pic4-5) and then the proud team could put the roof on its place (pic6) and organized a glow in the dark test (below) of the ... - yes, what is it? Let's say best guess gets invited to the inauguration party..


xbo aujourd'hui

The xbo is nicely presented as today's archdaily...

.. and now it has spread - the kindergartens are also travelling the cyber space - here, here and here..!

rodeca experience

..the polycarb testing continues..


kindergarten cover

SEBU, the centre for kindergarten development in Norway, has just published a book reviewing the kindergartens in a 10-year perspective (with Agnes in Fjellveien on the cover). You can order it from SEBU.


ceci n'est pas..

..a World Expo pavillion, but a proposal for one. expo_movie400
Congratulations to Helen & Hard who did win the competition and are going to build their Nature of Norway pavillion in Shanghai 2010!
All the five proposals will be exhibited at Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Bankplassen 3, Oslo, August 15 - 24.


Below the Clouds

puts our kindergartens on his blog, and would have "renounced all saftsoppa and hallonkräm in the world to join in a kindergarten drawn by Norwegian 70°N arkitektur"..



of a journey #2:
guess where to (one country, several cities), what (buildings/works) and who (architects/artists).. maybe some clues will be given soon - and yes, we are back!

Ok, here are the answers, from left to right: Caixa Forum Madrid by Herzog & de Meuron; extension of Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, by Jean Nouvel; We Only Meet when We Move by Olafur Eliasson at Reina Sofia; gymnasium in El Retiro and library in Usera, both by Àbalos & Herreros; Tilted Circles / The Nature of Things by Olafur Eliasson at Fundació Joan Miró; Zaragoza Bridge Pavilion by Zaha Hadid ; Mies van der Rohe 's Barcelona Pavilion; Torre de Gas Natural, Barcelona, by Enric Miralles - Benedetta Tagliabue ; Edifici Fòrum Barcelona by Herzog & de Meuron - how many did you get?
We also visited just as interesting but less reflective works by Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza, Rafael de La-Hoz Arderius, Rafael Moneo, Alejandro de la Sota Martínez, Martínez Lapeña - Torres Arquitectos, Jeff Koons, Frank Gehry, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Beth Galí + even more Tagliabue/Miralles, Àbalos/Herreros, Nouvel..