
Shanghai co:lab

We have now delivered our final proposal - co:lab - for the Shanghai 2010 expo competition. In collaboration with 0047 and tank we are one of five prequalified teams, competing against Snøhetta, Helen&Hard, Rintala Eggertsson and others.


ten years, turning grey..

The pretext to throw a summer party this week-end is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Skarsfjord cabin..!


'scape mosaïc

The latest issue of dutch magazine 'scape contains an article by prof. Jens Kvorning with his interesting reflections on the Øresund visions competition - and our Mosaïc::Region proposal - worth reading!

'(...) The ’mosaic’ metaphor in the proposal was given different meanings. It is about understanding and developing the region as a mosaic of many different types of areas, including different social and cultural environments. It is about employing such a sense of understanding to offer room for the very complex way in which the many sub-areas and sub-environments interact with one another. Throughout this interaction, it is about handling and creating a high degree of dynamics between areas and environments. It is about leaving room for many different players to be proactive and to make individual contributions to the dynamics, while at the same time ensuring that the development of the region does not take an undesireble or environmentally unfriendly turn.
In order to implement these initiatives, systems must be established that can accept and work with a multitude of different development forums, from which new ideas and initiatives will stem.
From a graphic standpoint, the proposal was presented as a large mosaic made up of various fields and planes where different issues and questions pertaining to many different levels were confronted with one another, in the same way as the many players and concept forums developing the region in practice, appear in the multiple physical, intellectual and political realms, all influencing one another in complex ways.
(...) (the award-winning proposal) made an attempt, in inventive and convincing ways, to handle and develop the complexity within thought-based, visualized realms as well as physical ones.'

Jens Kvorning, Professor of Urbanism at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, in 'scape 1/2008


Detour London

The Detour exhibition on the National Tourist Routes moves from Stockholm to London where it opens June 25 at 33 Portland Place. The exhibition is part of the programme of London Festival of Architecture.


Strandkanten outdoors

photos by Bjørn Jørgensen


aitim #252

Spanish magazine Aitim puts our kindergartens on the cover + in a six pages spread article in their issue #252 - we like!


o estado das coisas in das Haus der Kulturen

Anniken spent the last week in Berlin working with Gustavo Ciriaco on the performance Still - sob o estado das coisas at the performing arts festival of Haus der Kulturen der Welt.



..of a journey:
guess where to..

(three clues would be (as on pics above): Jean Nouvel, Lacaton & Vassal and Jakob + MacFarlane in Piano & Rogers..)


Nordnorsk arkitekturpris - ur juryens vurdering:

Juryen vurderte flere prosjekter i Finnmark, Lofoten og Nordland men valgte å slutte seg til professor Knut Eirik Dahls forslag om å tildele Nordnorsk arkitekturpris for 2008 til tre prosjekter av 70°N arkitektur i Lofoten, en del av Statens turistvegprosjekt. Det er et fugltitterhus, et skur for syklister og en rasteplass, ' gitt form som henholdsvis to små tårn og et lineært felt i landskapet'. Dahl skriver videre at 'den italienske arkitekten Franco Purini skrev for mange år siden en tekst om truslene mot det italienske landskapet, og foreslo et mentalt nettverk av observasjonsposter for å hegne om dette. Lofotenprosjektene kan ses på som slike punkter. Hele vegvesenets prosjekt kan ses på som et slikt nett. Det er denne større ideen bak prosjektet som ansporer arkitektene til sitt ytterste. Det er en global appell, i vår tid, i disse forenklede konstruksjonene, som knapt er synlige, men er så til stede - på stedet.'

Juryen har bestått av Mia De Coninck fra Kirkenes og Rose-Marie Steinsvik (2007 års vinnere) og Erling Steenstrup fra Tromsø. Prisen ble delt ut i samband med NAFs årsmøte.


NNAP prize!

We have been awarded the Northern Norway Architecture Award!
(Nordnorsk arkitekturpris)
It was given to our three projects for the National Tourist Routes in Lofoten during the NAF (Northern Norway Architect Association) annual meeting June 6.
Read more in arkitektnytt.
Afterwards we all had the pleasure to hear spanish architect Juan Herreros give a lecture, and spend a really nice evening together.


Tromsø in Chicago

Arild Øvrum of Tromsø Climbing Club (from PKN Tromsø#2) participated with his 'urban adventure living' presentation at PKN Chicago #5 the day before our PKN#3 - Pecha Kucha is a global thing!
Here you can see his presentation with superb photos of the mountains surrounding Tromsø, and some of our projects to balance and contrast the vast nature with architecture..


Thank you #3!

Thanks to everybody who made yesterday's Pecha Kucha Night wonderful!
See a slide show here or at the Pecha Kucha site.