
PKN#3 - the presenters!

We are proud to announce the list of presenters at Pecha Kucha Night #3:

Elin Haugdal - Tromsø University - Dr. Art
Arild Midtbø Kalseth - FremtidsFabrikken - designer
Kristin Eriksen Bjørn - Ferske Scener - dramatist / director
Espen Røyseland & Øystein Rø - 0047 - architects / gallerists
Luba Kuzovnikova - Pikene på broen - art director / curator
Johan Gustavsen - architect student
Åsa Sonjasdotter - Tromsø Art Academy - artist / professor
Yngve Olsen Sæbbe - photographer
Hans Petter Bjørnådal - architect
Ragnhild Dalheim Eriksen - Riddu Riđđu - festival director
DJ Herr & Fru (Per Martinsen & Aggie Frost)

June 5 at 19.30 the doors will open at Kjeller5 (øvre Mack, Storgata sør) - and the third Pecha Kucha in Tromsø will take place!

The number of tickets is limited, please make a reservation here. Remaining tickets will be sold at the entrance.

Pecha Kucha Night Tromsø is arranged by tank design and 70°N in collaboration with Mack, devised and shared by Klein Dytham architecture.


Open Akademi

Don't miss the Art Academy spring exhibition Thursday May 29 at 18.00 - print, photo, video, installation, drawing, sound, sculpture, textile + a live concert by Frost!



A web-site for Mosaïc::Region is now up and running!

At www.mosaic-region.com you can click your way through the mosaïc; poster by poster and text by text, and you'll find our complete prize-winning proposition for the competition Øresundsvisioner 2040.

The site is under construction and will soon develop further with new material, guest comments, news etc.

Welcome into the mosaïc!


europan nine now

The Europan Norway catalogue is now available, edited by Øystein Rø and Espen Røyseland at 0047.

Buy it here and learn all about the awarded projects at norwegian sites, prize winning norwegian projects in Switzerland and the Czech Republic, and read texts by Sabine Müller, Knut Eirik Dahl, Erlend Seilskjær, Hilde Bøkestad, Espen Røyseland, Øystein Rø, Trude Lund, Maximilian Martinenghi, Kristine Jensen and others.

fantastic venice

We are happy to hear that great fantastic norway are invited by curator Aaron Betsky to participate at the 11th International Architecture Exhibition: Out There. Architecture Beyond Building.
The 11th Architecture Biennale Venice will present site-specific installations, manifestos, landscapes and scenes of an architecture beyond building. It will also exhibit experimental architecture from around the world and highlight experimental aspects of current practice.


Oulu MoNArchs

The international student group MoNArch from the Oulu school of architecture, Finland, visited us today and got a lecture and discussion with Gisle.

expo 2010

70°N in collaboration with 0047 and tank is one of five prequalified teams in the competition about the norwegian pavillion at the 2010 world exhibition in Shanghai.
Read the pressrelease here.


Mosaïc in Malmö

Thursday 15 the Øresundsvisioner exhibition will open at form/design center in Malmö. Kjerstin and Magdalena will present the Mosaïc::Region project and participate at the debate evening


inside the city

Lots of people in Strandgatakvartalet today enjoying the market, clown Johannes, music and more.. apparently this is a space where things can happen.



Alessandra Kosberg of Jarmund/Vigsnæs arkitekter, will give a lecture at the Architect Association this Thursday, May 8 at 19.00 at Tromskysten - everybody is welcome!


more mosaïc media

Here is Jan Carlsen's article about the competition Øresundsvisioner 2040 and our Mosaïc::Region in the latest issue of arkitektnytt (left), and the article 'Den flydende by' from the danish Weekendavisen (right), where Peter Schultz Jørgensen discusses the possible impact of the competition on today's debate and the future Øresund Region..

mondo tromso

After reviewing the art students' work-shop-work we got to visit their art shop 'mondo tromso' - here you can buy prints, publications, CDs etc - a visit is highly recommended!