

We got a visit from extraordinary Yasmín, directly from México and graduation - congratulations miss Architect! After some days in Tromsø, with all kinds of weather, traditional food and great conversations she left together with Federico for a european tour. Thank you both for this time and see you soon!



We got stung by the decoration bee and felt the urge to get all the silver balls, candy stars and glazing available attached to our pepparkakor...

Said about Norway..

In today's Dagbladet Søndag international design and architecture experts tell what they think about the norwegian development in these areas in an international context. Under a picture of Torvdalshalsen Mark Isitt, formerly Forum AID, applauds the National Tourist Routes. The article overall shows an enthusiasm for norwegian architecture, mentioning also Fantastic Norway, Jensen & Skodvin, Snøhetta, 3RW, Space Group, Norway Says, Tommie Wilhelmsen and Todd Saunders.


Lucia at 70°N

This year's christmas dinner included thai food and champagne, and friends and family of course..


hyperbolic paraboloid art

The Art Academy of Tromsø invited to a Christmas exhibition vernissage today. They had invaded / adopted / parasited the great Tromsø library.. see more in slide show 1 and 2.



In the November issue of 'scape magazine Tromsø is one of the case studies under the title "Melting ice puts arctic city Tromsø on the map". The article by Joren Jacobs is based on interviews with Jarle Aarbakke (rector at the Tromsø University), Jan Gunnar Winther (director of the Norwegian Polar Institute) and Knut Eirik Dahl: "If you look at the most recent statistics from the Polar Institute, but certainly also from the United Nations, you will conclude that the icy Arctic landscape that shaped and created Tromsø now disappears. The city is literally relocated."


Brinkvegen Games

We celebrated the very good kindergarten article ("the best of the newest kindergartens") by Bente Bakken (with, of course, Ivan Brodey's beautiful photos) in today's Dagbladet Søndag with Brinkvegen Games - several inventive winter sports executed by skilled and fearless young athletes encouraged by an enthusiastic crowd..



The design heroes at tank filled their office with people, music and Mack beer this friday night to celebrate their first 5 years of existence - we say 'très bien!'

(..and thank you for the tank tattoo t-shirt!)


Room to grow in

In Dagbladet Søndag december 2 you can read an interesting article over ten pages about three kindergartens with special concepts: Svartlamoen by Brendeland & Kristoffersen, 'den blå appelsin' and our kindergartens in Fjellvegen and Sommereng - buy it and read about children and architecture!

Open art

The Art Academy of Tromsø proposes open lectures - this week Pierre Bismuth, Brussels, and Morten Goll, Copenhagen, are presenting their work and ideas, and discussing with the students - and us!
We highly appreciate having a brand new art school in Tromsø that gives us this opportunity to listen to and discuss with interesting people!


Building competence for the Olympics

Gisle gives a lecture at the Olympic Arena Conference organized by Norwegian Steel Association thursday november 29 in Oslo. His lecture about the olympic venues planned for Tromsø 2018 will be followed by others on the olympic cities of Vancouver, Lillehammer, Sochi, London, Torino, Sydney, Athens and Beijing.


C'est clair!

Some of the first days of the dark period (no sun above the horizon for the next two months) Clara Fraenkel of Ljusarkitektur visited Tromsø together with her collegue Deike Canzler to work with the lights of Strandkanten.


Christmas in advance when our iPhones arrived..


Green sector

Torvdalshalsen appears in landscape magazine park & anlegg #10 2007.


Beautiful detours

These beautiful words about the National Tourist Routes are to be read in a supplement called High North - the region of possibilities in today's Dagens Nyheter (november 21).. In addition one can read interesting articles about arctic waters, energy in Barents, scandinavian collaboration projects, climate changes, Strindberg vs Ibsen, jojk, ministers on tour etc.


Norwegian Architecture 2007

70°N is presented with an extraordinary essay written by Knut Eirik Dahl + lots of pictures over 16 pages in the 2007 Yearbook for Norwegian Architecture - Arkitektur i Norge Årbok 2007 published by pax forlag in collaboration with Nasjonalmuséet for kunst, arkitektur og design. The beautiful cover picture is Steinar Skaar's photo of our project in Torvdalshalsen.

remaining X

All that is left of our street art action in the autumn 2005, before the Tromsø X-Files exhibition..


Kindergarten lecture

We are invited to talk about the kindergartens with the design students at Breivang high school. They are studying our kindergarten interiors and furniture for children. Tuesday november 20 Anniken will give a lecture and lead a workshop for the students.


Detour on tour

The festival Les Boréales in Caen, Normandie, shows the Tourist Routes exhibition Detour. The exhibition opens november 12 and will stay in Caen until new year before moving on to Paris..


One billion..

..to the National Tourist Routes project is the head line for a two spread article in today's Dagens Næringsliv, where our Torvdalshalsen project is being presented - entre autres...



Marianne Sætre of snøhetta came to Tromsø to give a lecture on culture buildings and the processes behind. Of course we fullfilled her wishes of visiting the Skarsfjord cabin, a beautiful saturday was spent in the violet light of the low november sun.


Aurora Crabs

Our landscaping collegues from Aurora Landskap kindly invited to dinner with performance 'the Invasion of the Crabs' this november friday. See the invasion in the slide-show ..


Still, again...

STILL / SOB O ESTADO DAS COISAS will perform again, this time at the Panorama de Danca international festival in Rio de Janeiro, SESC Copacabana, november 3-4th at 19.00. The performance has been nominated to the Bravo!Prize as one of the best Brazilian dance performances in 2007. Come come!

we are immersed in the here and now.
pierced through so many things from yesterday and today.
in this space that we see the end and the limits, in this space that we live with all these strangers, in this space of shared warmth.
exactly here
under this state of things - sob o estado das coisas.

A collaborative multimedia project by Brazilian choreographer Gustavo Ciríaco , Norwegian set designer Anniken Romuld, 70°N arkitektur, and dancers. 

This is what we do!

70°N goes blog to tell you all about it..



Gisle just returned from Trondheim and NTNU where he has been an assessor for the diploma students. This autumn has been filled with teaching as he is also responsable for the studio 'relational objects' at BAS, together with Arild Wåge, professor at BAS and an architect at Nordplan and dutch/swiss landscape architect Anouk Vogel.



Our graphic design heroes at tank proposed another inspiring design+music event at this year's insomnia festival.


Tromsø urbanist talk

Continuing the debate about the post-year-of-urbanism-Tromsø...
...together with, of course, Knut Eirik Dahl.


Detour/Umweg in Berlin

The detour exhibition has now started to travel the world, first stop is in the common house of the Nordic ambassies in Berlin. From october 2 until november 2 one can see National Tourist Routes projects of 70°N and others.
In Norway the exhibition can be seen at Norsk Vegmuseum.


Potential Architecture

The super talented people of 0047 produced one of the most interesting ingredients for the Architecture Triennale 2007: Norwegian Collection of Potential Architecture ..an online collection of the half-baked, the promising, the raw and the invisible architecture; Projects that miscarried, went over the top, were turned down by clients or for other reasons never became realised.. of, course 70°N has contributed with some of our never-built projects..


Strandkanten by night

In early autumn, when the night is dark enough to see the light, we had a walk through Strandkanten to have a look at the light installations developed in collaboration with Clara Fraenkel of Ljusarkitektur. With us for viewpoints, ideas, discussions and company we had friends and collegues Kjerstin Uhre and Knut Eirik Dahl of Dahl & Uhre. Look the slide show to see some of it.


design day care

In Forum AID 3.07 you can read about two 70°N kindergartens.


Ministral Inauguration

Our National Tourist Routes projects in Lofoten is officially opened in the presence of the minister Liv Signe Navarsete. A conference with participation from 70°N took place in Svolvær on Wednesday the 5th of September, and a round-trip to visit the projects was organized. At the opening a new book about the projects was released; Lofoten - langs tindeveggen i storhavet. The book contains new photos of our projects in Torvdalshalsen, Grunnfør, Gårdsvatn and Skjærpvatn.

House of Rock

Gisle on architecture politics, Tourist Routes and rock


Animated Domus

At a project presentation in presence of the Minister of Finance, Kristin Halvorsen, the Domus 3D animation was shown in public for the first time.
As allways when it comes to film-making, it is our friends at Rambøll Mapping that helped us.


Bästa Formen

Swedish television pays attention to the Tourist Routes project in the program Bästa Formen, friday august 31 and saturday september 1. Watch it on web-TV during the month of september, or read what Dagens Nyheter says about it.

This is what Sveriges Television says about the project:
"Norsk vägdesign. Trött på E4:ans bensinmackscafeterior och sövande landskap? Åk med Bästa formen till Norge, där pågår just nu världens i särklass mest spännande vägprojekt. De som har slingrat sig fram mellan de arkitektoniska sensationerna har svårt att hålla tillbaka sin entusiasm. Med nytänkande, design, arkitektur och några norska miljarder förvandlas fjällvärlden till ett paradis för alla som älskar att köra bil. Programledare: Staffan Bengtsson. "


Building in Brinkvegen

The Brinkvegen block is growing, the first inhabitants will move in around christmas, which is great since the terraces are perfect for that new years party..


Birthday in Brinkvegen

Gisle's birthday was celebrated on the terrace with lots of friends, shrimps and wine..



The summer was celebrated with a barbecue party at Petra's terrace saturday. Great company, excellent food and fantastic summer!


Borderland of energy..

Björn Lindahl writes an article about Northern Norway, in swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet... about the new future of the north, the gass and oil, the climate changes in the arctic, the russian relations, the swedish ministers visiting - and about Strandkanten as 'futuristic architecture', illustrated by our tilted blocks..


Workshop at kindergartens

70°N held a workshop with the employees at the kindergartens to tell about the ideas behind the playing walls, and to explore new ones..



For the 2007 NAF symposium Fokus;Nord we invited young architects to present their projects, ideas and visions for the arctic: Siri Lundestad, Aud Stine Askje, Sunniva Rosenberg, Marit Myraker, Øystein Rø (0047), Hans Jørgen Wetlesen (transborderkirkenes), Celia Glanfield, Andreas Koppen, Inês Almeida, Ida Winge Andersen, Eva Nordgård, Sigrid Bjørkum (siggelicious), Constantin Boincean, Håkon Matre Aaserød (fantastic norway), Erik Stenman. Invited to participate and lead the discussion are Bjørn Braaten, NTNU Trondheim, and Ana Betancour from KTH and the Architecture Museum in Stockholm. The week-end of 8-9 june all these young, talented, interesting and really nice architects presented different project with different approaches to the northern context, that was commented by Bjørn Braaten and Ana Betancour, and the audience. At the end of the day we had an interesting conversation and open discussion about the role/s of the architect. A discussion that continued during the dinner and party (with a soundtrack served by DJs Belle and Donatella ), under the midnight sun.. An absolutely giving event for many of us!


Fjellvegen inauguration

The kindergarten at Fjellvegen is now officially inaugurated, with kids, politicians, clowns, festivities and this beautiful cake!


Photographing with Ivan

Ivan Brodey came to Tromsø to photograph some of our projects as the kindergartens, Strandkanten and K1. The work included some roof tops to climb, some kids to keep cooperative and a boat ride. It was also really nice, interesting and learning to revisit the projects together with Ivan and his camera.



For a spring week-end some of us went to Copenhagen, in the slide-show you can see projects by Dorte Mandrup, Plot, Olafur Eliasson, Lundgaard & Tranberg, Jean Nouvel and Zaha Hadid's extension to Ordrupgaard.


Finishing it!

Finn, Anniken, Agnes and Magdalena did some bricolage with the flannelographs and more to get the kindergartens' playing walls finished, sometimes you have to get some glue on your hands to have it as it should be..


Debating Tromsø

If you read norwegian and are interested in the planning processes and future urbanism of Tromsø you can read the article written by Gisle and Magdalena, published in the newspaper Nordlys April 14. And then you can do as Johan Gustavsen: - continue the debate..



As the snowstorms of April reached Tromsø 70°N threw a Brazil party. We are happy to share our enthusiasm for brazilian architecture, music, fruits and drinks with family and friends. Boas vindas!


Olympic expectations

Read Jan Carlsen's interview with Gisle in Arkitektnytt.

Paris exhibition

70°N is represented with the Europan7 runner-up project at the exhibition 'Génération Europan' at Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris.


Back from Brazil

Arctic went capricornical but now we are back at the office after some wonderful days in Brazil. First in São Paulo with MASP and SESC Pompei of Lina Bo Bardi; Copan, Memorial da América Latina and Parque do Ibirapuera of Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida de Niemeyer Soares; MuBE of Paulo Mendes da Rocha and the beautiful Faculdade de Arquitetura of João Batista Vilanova Artigas. And cachaça tasting with Angelo Bucci at his office.. Then Rio with continuous cultural, architectural, musical, culinary and sunny experiences; a visit to Angelo Bucci's extraordinary villa in Santa Teresa, watching football at the impressive Maracanã Stadium, açai at Ipanema beach and sambadancing late at night at Centro Cultural Carioca or Rio Scenarium - to mention a few.


Oulu all stars

30 visiting architecture students from Oulu were squeezed into the XBO to hear about our work.



The city of Tromsø wants to apply for the Winter Olympics in 2018. The first step was to deliver the national application to the board of the Norwegian Olympic Committee and Confederation of Sports, February 19 2007. A team of planners, architects, sports- and olympic games experts and graphists has been working to find the best solutions for the arenas, and to illustrate, with images and films, the games extraordinaire this could be!