
Still, again...

STILL / SOB O ESTADO DAS COISAS will perform again, this time at the Panorama de Danca international festival in Rio de Janeiro, SESC Copacabana, november 3-4th at 19.00. The performance has been nominated to the Bravo!Prize as one of the best Brazilian dance performances in 2007. Come come!

we are immersed in the here and now.
pierced through so many things from yesterday and today.
in this space that we see the end and the limits, in this space that we live with all these strangers, in this space of shared warmth.
exactly here
under this state of things - sob o estado das coisas.

A collaborative multimedia project by Brazilian choreographer Gustavo Ciríaco , Norwegian set designer Anniken Romuld, 70°N arkitektur, and dancers. 

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